Appeal from the Peoples

of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Other Countries of the World, Participants of the ISQD Algorithm, to Their «Representatives»

As free and sovereign people of the territories of the former three founding states of the Soviet Union, supported by equally free and sovereign people from other countries of the world, who are the source of power in their territories, we express our collective will to our representatives:

«Please stop following the orders of your masters aimed at pitting us against one another for the benefit of the profiteers of the existing global exponential system of «Quantitative Growth» (based on socio-economic formations such as slavery, feudalism, capitalism, and communism, characterized by artificial scarcity, value assessment, profit pursuit, monetary-financial systems, and the erroneous belief in the primacy of matter over spirit, as well as the motivation to «live at the expense of others»).

We call for support for our voluntary and non-violent unification based on an alternative global system of natural «Qualitative Development» through the portal within the ISQD (International System of Qualitative Development) transition program — into SPFD (System of Perfect Fair Development), with the first socio-economic formation of Ampocelism.

«Ampocelism» implies life under conditions of infinity, rejection of value assessment and profit pursuit, the absence of monetary-financial systems, the introduction of a «non-cost-based evaluation» of people’s creative activities and their organizations, recognition of the primacy of spirit over matter, and the motivation to «live thanks to others».

If you are unable to resist your masters from the system of «Bad Globalization» and the «Quantitative Growth» model by executing the will of the peoples — the source of power in their territories — take the first heroic steps toward a global systemic transition. Voluntarily leave the role of «servants» to your masters and transition to the status of a free and sovereign individual by following the algorithm of «Qualitative Development».

This way, you can counteract our self-destruction process. Either you, with new motivation, or our new representatives under the system of «Qualitative Development», based on friendship and love among all the peoples of the world and informed by an understanding of global enslavement plans, will contribute to creating a renewed union of free and sovereign people.

This union will begin with Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus and will become the Union of Perfect Fair Development (UPFD) Its foundation will be the creation of an alternative world order based on the principles of «Good Globalization» — without elections and term limits (which slow down development), with continuous referendums, and a balance between unified leadership and collegiality within the socially-oriented «dictatorship» of the Ampocelist majority, promoting accelerated progress.

It is crucial not to confuse the peaceful and conscious formation of a renewed UPFD (Union of Perfect Fair Development) — a union of free and sovereign people in their territories under a new system of «Qualitative Development» — with the forced restoration of USSR-2 (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). The latter represents a «World Government» project based on non-free citizens and a «cellular» structure of republics within the framework of «Bad Globalization» and the objectively dying «Quantitative Growth» system.

To avoid a disgraceful decline, we propose adopting the ISQD program. We categorically oppose further wars, massive casualties among us and our children, as well as the spread of conflicts worldwide for the purpose of global enslavement, including the introduction of «digital money» (marked distribution tickets) imposed by an unjust system based on the motivation to «live at the expense of others».

Only through the new and already functioning algorithm we propose can maximum justice be achieved. It allows for promoting economic interests in the highest way — economically rather than militarily — and resolving conflicts over border disputes, territorial claims, religious differences, and other contradictions.

We seek to freely create, grow, and prosper with new motivation — «Living thanks to others», while comprehending the greatness and possibilities of the infinite universe!

Based on peaceful and non-violent proposals for the transition to an alternative global system of «Qualitative Development», including implementation at the level of individual countries, any attempts at unconstructive criticism and discreditation of this idea, aimed at improving the well-being of its citizens, are, in our view, openly anti-state actions. They affect the central issue of national security, as the state by its very nature should not act against the interests of its citizens.

This appeal is made on behalf of the representatives of the peoples of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and other countries of the world (a total of 53 countries) on all continents where ISQD participants are present. We are acting as initiators of the formation of «Good Globalization» (an alternative to «Bad Globalization») on planet Earth within the algorithm of «Qualitative Development».

Updated on 01.02.2025

Systemic Transition to a «Good Globalization»:

Program for the Socioeconomic Development of States

(A Universal Program for All Countries)

Alexander Schmidt, Germany, 11.12.2016
Updated on 07.02.2025


This programmatic article addresses issues of the socioeconomic development of countries worldwide. It emphasizes the urgent need for state participation as a complement to citizens’ efforts to establish a «Good Globalization» on planet Earth. This participation aims to facilitate the peaceful transition from an outdated system of «Quantitative Growth» to a new system of «Qualitative Development».

The article analyzes global socioeconomic processes that influence the state of individual countries as an integral and important part of a unified planetary space.

It discusses the tasks involved in transitioning to a new global «Qualitatively Balanced» economic model, aimed at developing a unified and free humanity. This model envisions liberating people from risks and restrictions in the process of spiritual-intellectual competition, under conditions of an «infinitely released» level of «Compulsorily Limited Resources» and a corresponding level of «Demanded Resources», which seeks equilibrium with the former.

A characterization of key directions for improving the political system is provided, aiming to support the new economy and ensure harmonious societal development:

I. Change in Economic Motivation

The transition from antisocial economic motivation in the system of «Quantitative Growth» to a socially beneficial motivation in the system of «Qualitative Development». This eliminates the contradiction between the economic environment and the punishment-based legal system.

II. Development of a Transitional Fiscal Policy

Creation of financial instruments and approaches to support a smooth transition to the new economic model.

III. Structural Reforms and Global Integration

Implementation of structural reforms and the integration of individual countries into the global production chain of the real economy. Instead of import substitution, the article proposes the introduction of advanced methods for acquiring material objects from the ether and the provision of services by free individuals focused on spiritual-intellectual competition.

IV. New Principles of Governance and Coordination

  • Reduction of quantitative and expansion of qualitative performance indicators in governance.
  • Gradual replacement of extensive state administration with a coordinating regulatory system based on global interactive evaluation systems and continuous referenda.
  • Strengthening global social consensus and the formation of a new model of societal self-governance – the «World Voice».

V.   Return to Integration Processes within the «Qualitative Development» System

  • A voluntary transition of Russia, neighboring states, and all willing nations into the «Qualitative Development» system, replacing the forced integration under the outdated «Quantitative Growth» model.
  • The revival of a renewed USSR as the «Union for Perfect Fair Development» (UPFD) through the peaceful transformation of its core—the Russian Federation, Russia.

Key Terms and Expressions:

  • Ampozelism
  • ISQD
  • Global Regulatory Code (GRC)
  • World Voice
  • Iskrizians («Iscriptions»)
  • «Compulsorily Limited Resources» and «Demanded Resources»
  • Systemic Transition
  • System of «Qualitative Development»
  • System of «Quantitative Growth»
  • Sovereign Human
  • Economic Development

1. The Current Situation in the World and in Russia

The present global situation is fundamentally different from all previous crises and economic «waves». The phenomenon we have been observing since 2008 is not a “normal” financial, economic, or systemic crisis.

It is no longer a crisis but a catastrophe, linked to the «death» of the «Quantitative Growth» system. All previous «restarts» of this system were made possible through wars—World War I and World War II serve as such examples. These conflicts allowed humanity to return from a phase of exponential hyper-growth of speculative money and debt to a more stable trajectory, where real economic growth could once again be supported (see diagram).

If humanity wishes to survive under the looming threat of a «Third World War»—including the self-selected elite who have built special yet ultimately useless shelters for themselves—then the transition from the unbalanced «Quantitative Growth» system to a new, balanced «Qualitative Development» system will be inevitable.

2. Why a «Restart» of the «Quantitative Growth» System through a Third World War Is Impossible

  • The Risk of Complete Human Extinction

Modern humanity possesses nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction that could lead to its total annihilation.

  • The Interests of More Advanced Civilizations

A nuclear or other totalitarian scenario would interfere with the interests of higher civilizations, which will logically not allow its realization, including through the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

  • The Threat Posed by Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • The uncontrolled development of AI is already having a negative impact on humanity (the so-called «leathery bastard»), which follows the principle of «living at the expense of others» within the «Quantitative Growth» system.
  • If this process continues, AI may logically conclude that humanity, which operates on outdated principles of exploitation, deception, and injustice, must be eliminated. This is comparable to attempting to cover a distance not «in a direct way» but «through a convoluted path» of voluntaristic world perception, contradicting the logic and algorithms of AI.

Regardless, the days of the «Quantitative Growth» system are numbered. This creates unprecedented challenges that demand immediate solutions.

In this situation, transformations are necessary, to be carried out through the collective efforts of all humanity, involving every country without exception.

Germany and the countries of the former USSR cannot remain on the sidelines of this process. On the contrary, they are capable of and obligated to take the lead in its implementation.

A practical mechanism for Germany and the entire world is the implementation of the transition program known as the «International System of Qualitative Development» (ISQD). This program envisions a further transformation into the global «System of Perfect Fair Development» (SPFD). This program could enable humanity’s transition to “Good Globalization” within 15–25 years.

The Situation in Countries, Using Russia as an Example

In Russia, for example, the worsening issues in the budget system, increasing internal and external political confrontations, declining living standards, and social and demographic challenges—against the backdrop of the aforementioned global processes—pose a real threat to national security. Destructive forces, both domestic and foreign, could seize the initiative.

The seriousness of the situation demands the immediate adoption of appropriate, decisive, and radical measures to stabilize Russia’s economy and redirect it toward new principles of development.

It is crucial to understand that even in an improved form, the fundamental elements of modern economic theory cannot serve as a foundation for the future. Most rationally thinking scientists and practitioners worldwide recognize this fact. Therefore, existing perspectives on economics, finance, international cooperation, and the development of economic programs and strategies must be urgently reconsidered. If this does not happen, the destabilization of the state and society will continue, economic, social, and moral issues will worsen, and Russia’s vulnerability—as well as that of its citizens—will drastically increase in the face of new global challenges.

Under these conditions, Russian citizens (the future citizens of the renewed UPFD – «Union of Perfect Fair Development») face a choice between:

a) Maintaining the dying, unbalanced «Quantitative Growth» system, based on a capitalist, pseudo-free-market model (including surplus value, money and debt, material competition among people, etc.);

b) Transitioning to a new system of «Qualitative Development» with a new socioeconomic structure called «Ampozelism», based on a «qualitatively balanced» development model (introducing a «non-cost-based», «traffic-light evaluation» of creative human activities without money and debt, shifting competition from the material sphere to the intellectual and spiritual domain, etc.).

The «Traffic-Light System» as a Model for Evaluating Human Activity

The «Traffic-Light System» is a three-tier, color-coded evaluation system (green, yellow, and red) that assesses human activities based on non-cost-based principles. The color indicators classify an individual’s contribution to societal development, with each color representing a specific quality and level of significance—without considering financial value.

Global Systemic Transition

This global transition, encompassing the entire Earth, can be achieved through the cooperation of two peoples who are particularly suited for this task. Over the past century, there has been fierce resistance to their unity—primarily through orchestrated confrontations in the interests of third parties (see These two peoples are the Russians and the Germans. The past two world wars were centered around conflicts between these nations.

A new alliance between these two nations could enable a successful transition from the outdated «Quantitative Growth» system to the new «Qualitative Development» system. This, in turn, could save all other nations from self-destruction, a fate planned by the initiators of «Bad Globalization» and the so-called «New Quantitativen World Order».

The Importance of a Political Alliance Between Germans and Russians

A political alliance between the German and Russian peoples is the key condition for implementing this global transition. Around this alliance, the world will «revolve», ensuring the survival of all nations and saving humanity from downfall.

Vision of the (GRA-RGA)

The joint «German-Russian Axis» (The Right Alternative) or «Russian-German Axis» is a public movement network representing the operator of the ISQD-System – «GRA-RGA» (known as «RGA» in Russia and «GRA» in Germany). This movement is gaining strength to facilitate a crucial global transition. Without this transformation, the further development of the peoples of Russia and a future renewed «Soviet Union» as the «Union of Perfect Fair Development» would be impossible.

The members of the public movement «Russian-German Axis» (RGA) or «Russian-German Response» are united by the idea of creating a new «Good Globalization», based on an alliance between the Russian and German peoples ( This form of globalization would encompass all nations of the world and establish a balanced system of «Qualitative Development».

Replacing the «Bad Globalization» and the «New World Order»

This new qualitative world order is intended to replace the currently emerging «Bad Globalization» and the «New Quantitative World Order», which have been imposed on humanity through manipulations of the old «Quantitative Growth» system and the «Anglo-American Axis» (AAA). This sphere of influence, controlled by a «Deep State» subordinate to England, continues to exert negative effects, including on the USA. Therefore, the United States has a particular interest in transitioning to a new system of «Qualitative Development».

The Self-Liquidation of the Old system

The old «Quantitative Growth» system is already in its final phase of self-liquidation.

The citizens of Russia and a future renewed «Soviet Union» share a common vision of what the future should look like. This program serves as a reference point for practical actions that should be implemented in the interest of the Russian, German, and all people of the world. A dignified future cannot be achieved within the existing framework of «Bad Globalization».

Illustration: Exponential Growth and Decline Curves.

2. Strong, Renewed, and Peace-Loving State

The ISQD transition begins in a divided and conflict-ridden world, controlled by a global financial oligarchy under the principle of «divide, incite, and rule». To maintain division, humanity has been artificially separated into different «cells» based on nationality, political affiliation, religion, economic development level, and other criteria.

Under these circumstances, it is essential to strengthen the institution of statehood during the transition period. This statehood must be based on the principles of global and individual justice for all citizens. A strengthened state should form the foundation for the creation of a just world order.

We advocate for the global restoration of justice and the reinstatement of the moral and material rights of «Sovereign Living Humans», who are the «Founders» and «Beneficiaries» of their «persons» or «legal entities». These rights can be re-established based on the interpretation of international maritime law, particularly through the provisions of the «Cestui Que Vie Act» signed by English King Henry VIII in 1540 (,

The Collective Will and the Role of All Countries, Including Russia

Achieving this vision requires the collective will of citizens from all nations, including Russia, which is recognized as the legal successor to the former USSR in matters of finances and debts.

In the process of creating the renewed «UPFD» («Union of Perfect Fair Development»), every citizen can realize their sovereign will by declaring themselves as a «Sovereign Living Human».

This allows individuals to claim their status as «Sovereigns» within a new legal framework and build a new world based on the «Qualitative Development» system.

Fundamental Transformations for a Fair Future

To achieve these goals, profound transformations are necessary. Within a 15 to 25-year transition period, a global «System of Perfect Fair Development » (SPFD) must be established, built on a renewed «Union of Sovereign Living Humans», also known as the «Union of Perfect Fair Development» (UPGE).

This system, embodying the principle of «Good Globalization», will eliminate divisive factors such as state boundaries, political parties, and other separating elements. Instead, it will emphasize the cultural uniqueness of different peoples, whose diversity enriches humanity.

Building a Harmonious Global Community

This approach will enable the creation of a just and harmonious system where each nation and culture retains its identity while contributing to a common global goal—the construction of a sustainable and just world for all.

This will lay the foundation for a new system of global relations, ensuring the long-term, mutually beneficial, and balanced development of humanity, eliminating threats of division and violence, and focusing on creation, justice, and equal opportunities for all.

From the «Titanic» Model to a «Modern Sea Vessel»

The transition from the old, collapsing «Quantitative Growth» system (symbolically referred to as the «Titanic») towards the foundation of a new global «Qualitative Development» system (symbolized as a «modern sea vessel») is financially challenging.

However, this financial foundation can be activated through a compensation mechanism anchored in the «Cestui Que Vie Act», which follows the principle «Prove That You Are Alive» within the global legal framework. This principle defines economic incentives for all peoples, including those in the former USSR, to return to the path of integration.

The First Step: Economic Integration within the Former USSR

The initial phase of this transformation involves economic reintegration within the former USSR, with an estimated total value exceeding €50 trillion.

However, such a transformation is only possible within the framework of the ISQD transition program (

2.1. Renewed «Union of Perfect Fair Development» (UPFD)

During the transition period, the renewed UPFD will be structured as a state—the «Union of Perfect Fair Development». This state will adhere strictly to the principles of global justice and will be supported by the following key instruments:

  • A new economic motivation fostering unity and mutual respect among people,
  • A unified «Global Code of Rules» (GCR),
  • A society-centered legal system,
  • Strong and effective institutions for social coordination.

The revived and renewed UPGE is envisioned as a state where all elements of human self-organization collaborate for the benefit of its participants—the «living» sovereign citizens. To achieve this, a new system of motivations must be embedded within a new developmental algorithm known as «Qualitative Development», forming the foundation of a new socio-economic model called «Ampozelism».

2.2. Party “The Right Alternative”

To overcome the division of people based on party affiliation, signing the declaration of participation in the ISQD initiative simultaneously includes a declaration of willingness to join the party under the unified name «The Right Alternative» (TRA).

Since a person can only be a member of one party, registering a new party—such as «The Right Alternative of Kazakhstan»—automatically results in leaving the previous party and joining the new one (ТRA Kazakhstan). In this way, the gradual dissolution of all parties is achieved, uniting the citizens of a country into a single new party.

The creation of unified parties in different countries, connected through a common global algorithm of «Qualitative Development» and the GRA («German-Russian Axis») or RGA («Russian-German Axis»), will help eliminate the division of people based on party membership and prevent the manipulation of the majority by a minority seeking to maintain power through the principle of «Divide, Agitate, and Rule».

German-Russian Axis (GRA) or Russian-German Axis (RGA)

The GRA or RGA stands for:

  • Uniting all citizens of the new UPFD (Union for Perfect Fair Development) under a common flag (a yellow circle in the center symbolizing the sun, on a red background representing the blood in the veins of a healthy and happy person).
  • Abolishing the multiparty system by systematically and purposefully merging all existing parties into a United Party of the new UPFD («The Right Alternative») with the long-term goal of abolishing the concept of the «state» and eliminating party affiliation as a factor of division and discord among people.

2.3. Bodies of Social Coordination

  • ISQD-Operator Apparatus, «Good Globalization» – a competent executive body of the global «System of Perfect Fair Development» (UPFD), subordinate to the «Supreme Coordination Council» (SCC) and responsible for implementing «Good Globalization».
  • Similar structures (Operators and Coordination Councils) in currently divided states such as Russia, Germany, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Belarus, and others, formed through the transformation of respective governments and power structures. For example, in Russia: «Operator-Russia» and «Coordination Council-Russia» (СС-Russia) (see «Transformation Measures» at


2.3.1 ISQD Operator Apparatus, «Good Globalization»

Once the transition program from the global «Quantitative Growth» system to the new «Qualitative Development» system is fully launched and the Supreme Coordination Council (SCC) is formed, the current operator of the «International System of Qualitative Development» (ISQD) and the «System of Perfect Fair Development» (SPFD)—the company GmbH—may be re-elected by SCC members based on its non-cost-related performance indicators beneficial to the system.

At all levels, operator functions will be performed by «Coordination Groups», working in partnership with the ISQD Operator on a contractual basis and demonstrating the best «non-cost-related evaluations». These groups will be established in ten countries worldwide («10 branches»).

The ISQD system operator plays a key role in ensuring a part of the self-organization of participants within the entire system—the principle of «Unified Leadership»—which balances the «Collegiality» principle. Collegiality is represented by the structure of Coordination Councils (CC) at all levels of the global system.

2.3.2 Coordination Councils (CC) at All Levels

Coordination Councils (СС) are automatically formed from the 15 best ISQD participants who have been included in the lists for the formation of the respective Coordination Councils (СС) based on the system of territorial state administration levels. The formation is carried out based on a «non-cost-based evaluation algorithm», which takes into account activity indicators in the ISQD system as well as the concept of «Qualitative Development». Coordination Councils by «Places of Affiliation»

The automatic process of forming СС based on «places of affiliation» begins at the lowest level – in cities, settlements, and villages. The basis for this is the corresponding lists of ISQD participants. These lists are created in the ISQD system based on the fundamental registration criterion of «places of affiliation».

The chairpersons of the СС based on «places of affiliation» are members who have achieved the highest «non-cost-related ratings» among all 15 participants of this СС. From these chairpersons, participant lists for the ISQD are automatically generated to machine-process the СС based on «regions», which include the corresponding cities, settlements, and villages within the framework of the state administrative-territorial structure. Coordination Councils by «Regions»

The formation of СС at the «regional» level is based on the corresponding participant lists from the ISQD, which originate from the chairpersons of the lower administrative levels (Section

The chairpersons of the СС based on «regions» are members who have achieved the highest «non-cost-related ratings» among all 15 participants of this СС. From these chairpersons, participant lists for the ISQD are automatically generated to machine-process the ССs based on «republics», which include the corresponding «regions» within the framework of the state administrative-territorial structure. Coordination Councils by «Republics»

The formation of СС at the «republican» level is based on the corresponding participant lists from the ISQD, which originate from the chairpersons of the lower administrative «regional» levels (Section

The chairpersons of the СС based on «republics» are members who have achieved the highest «non-cost-related ratings» among all 15 participants of this СС. From these chairpersons, participant lists for the ISQD are automatically generated to machine-process the ССs based on «countries», which include the corresponding «republics» within the framework of the state administrative-territorial structure. Coordination Councils by «Countries»

The formation of СС at the «national» level is based on the corresponding participant lists from the ISQD, which originate from the chairpersons of the lower administrative «republican» levels (Section

The chairpersons of the СС based on «countries» are members who have achieved the highest «non-cost-related ratings» among all 15 participants of this CC. From these chairpersons, participant lists for the ISQD are automatically generated to machine-process the «Supreme Coordination Council» (SCC), which includes the corresponding «countries» within the framework of the state administrative-territorial structure. Supreme Coordination Council (SCC) within the ISQD-System

The process of forming the SCC begins with the lists of ISQD participants, which originate from the chairpersons of the «national level» (Section

The chairmanship of the SCC is assumed by the member with the highest «non-cost-related rating» among all 15 members of the SCC.

This principle of automatic formation of coordination councils remains in place at all levels of self-governance, replacing traditional elections and fixed terms of office.

The data is uploaded to the system by the ISQD system operator every one to two weeks, based on a unified algorithm for determining participant activity metrics. Based on these metrics, a «non-cost-related activity rating» is automatically calculated for each participant and displayed in their profile. This rating is compared with the highest values in the system and represented as an «activity thermometer».

3. Program for the Socio-Economic Development of the Country

3.1 Objective of the Program

The objective of this program is to create a self-regulating economic order that:

3.1.1 Supports and is based on the sovereignty of the «living» human being in the legal space, rather than on its derivative – the state.

3.1.2 Systematically guarantees security, comfort, physical health, and longevity for all people.

Within the dying system of «Quantitative Growth», which in fact represents a form of hidden slavery, the concept of «work» is perceived by most people as a necessary activity for earning compensation according to the rules of this system. As a result, people have no time for personal development – they are forced to survive without ever discovering their true purpose on Earth. For this reason, within the context of the «Quantitative Growth» system, the word «work» should be regarded as the activity of a «slave».

In the «Qualitative Development» system (with the broad application of, for example, replicators to obtain material objects from the ether based on «information matrices»), the notion of full-time employment as an obligation is completely abandoned. However, this does not mean the promotion of idle inactivity, which also leads to degeneration. A healthy person naturally seeks active engagement as long as their brain functions.

In such a system, there are no «idlers» or «workers»—there are only free people who have come to Earth to gain new experiences necessary for their consciousness. Everything required for life on Earth is already available in sufficient quantity, and a person has the right to satisfy their physiologically justified needs simply by virtue of their existence.

3.1.3 Creates conditions for the boundless spiritual and intellectual development of each individual.

3.1.4 Ensures the preservation or evolutionary, non-violent transformation of national identities, fostering their mutual enrichment and collective comprehensive development.

3.1.5 Promotes the targeted and motivated creation of a favorable emotional environment, harmonizing social relationships and contributing to the unification of people, as well as to the progress of humanity as a whole.

3.1.6 Coexists in harmony with the natural environment, contributing to the preservation and multiplication of planetary life diversity.

3.1.7 The following promotes:

  • The qualitative transformation of productive forces, production relations, and the state, with the goal of its systematic self-dissolution as an institution, as well as the removal of the «production» component from the economic formula:
    «Creativity» + «Production» = «Material Object»
  • The transition of humanity’s development to a foundational platform of «Information» and «matter-forming energies» in the material world, following the formula: «Creativity» + «Information Matrix with Replicators» = «Material Object»

3.2 Duration of the Program

The program is designed for a period until the year 2040, covering a timeframe of 15 to 25 years.

3.3 Principles

3.3.1 During the transition from a «Quantitative Growth» system to a «Qualitative Development» system, money ceases to be a commodity and a means of accumulation. Instead, it becomes a tool for the exchange of goods and services, for ensuring mutual support among system participants, and for achieving real objectives of human creative development. This signifies the rejection of a speculative economy with financial «bubbles».

Upon completion of the transition from the «Quantitative Growth» algorithm to the «Qualitative Development» algorithm, the value-based monetary and financial system will be replaced by a new, traffic-light-like system of «non-cost-based evaluation» of human creative activity results.

This transition is only possible through the ISQD program (International Systems of Qualitative Development, It requires a motivated renunciation of speculation and accumulation, as well as the simultaneous introduction of an «Unconditional Basic Income» (UBI) in the form of «internal information carriers for support exchange» for all physically living ISQD participants. For legal entities, new mechanisms will be introduced for implementing «real» economic projects.

The concept and mechanisms of «investments» will be replaced by the concept and mechanisms of «iskritsments», «Iscriptions», «Iskrizians» (see section 3.3.15).

3.3.2 Introduction of a Three-Tiered Exchange System

During the transition phase, as long as competition in the material sphere persists and countries remain dependent on global supra-state financial institutions, an «internal circuit» («internal information carriers for support exchange» ISQD, DRIMEX) must be introduced immediately for ISQD system participants.

This measure prevents conflicts with the existing global financial system and, most importantly, ensures a 100% emission of «internal information carriers for support exchange», which are neither a «substitute currency» nor money in any sense. Instead, the focus is on their circulation within economic processes aimed at real economic development.

This is achieved through the following mechanisms:

  • Utilizing ISQD system capabilities to process supplies under a «Temporary entry of technological equipment» framework (via so-called «refueling» with external money), as well as using «internal information carriers for support exchange», whose purchasing power is predetermined in tables available at until the year 2040. This occurs parallel to the gradual leveling of the monetary financial system of «Quantitative Growth».
  • Implementing a permanently programmed «strengthening effect» on the purchasing power of ISQD and DRIMEX «internal information carriers for support exchange».
  • Conversion programs for «synthetic» money into «real» value through mechanisms that absorb speculative funds («financial bubbles») by directing them into «real projects» and the creation of a new «mass of goods» following the ISQD algorithm («bubble vacuum»).
  • A model that anticipates «flows of exchange support funds», which are automatically generated by the creative activity of the masses, along with corresponding streams of new «goods mass», ensuring that «speculative funds» cannot penetrate the consumer market and trigger high inflation.

This approach enables a systematic replacement of the current financial assessment of enslaved human activity (based on money and debt) with a new, non-cost-based traffic-light system for evaluating the activities of free people (without money and debt).

3.3.3 Waiver of “Usury Interest” and “Margins” in the ISQD-System

The ISQD system has implemented a fundamental waiver of «usury interest» and «margins». This eliminates parasitic elements of the financial system that rely on profits generated through debt obligations and speculation. This creates the foundation for a fair distribution of resources and the maintenance of a stable economic structure, where the exchange of support and creative results takes place without artificial surcharges and debt obligations.

The motivation of ISQD-System participants to renounce accumulation is achieved through the following measures:

  • Money demurrage (a fee for unused money);
  • Introduction of «deposit containers» (a motivational mechanism for converting «synthetic» money into «real» money);
  • Socially beneficial mechanisms, such as:
  • “Iskritions” — support for «real projects» based on «operational leasing», «Temporary entry of technological equipment», «deferred financial flow», and «asset exchange», as well as new mechanisms for «collateral masses» for legal entities in ISQD (see section 3.3.15);
    • «Introduction of “Unconditional Basic Income» (UBI) in the form of «internal information carriers for support exchange», covering physiologically justified needs of individuals—from birth to death.

3.3.4 Criticism of the Existing Central Financial Order

All central banks, including the Central Bank of Russia, are part of a global financial system controlled by the initiators of «Bad Globalization» and a «New Quantitative World Order». These structures are attempting to introduce a global payment system based on «digital money» (digital distribution vouchers) for a new world currency, which relies on the value-based monetary evaluation of the labor of indebted people.

These measures include:

  • The introduction of personal and business accounts with central banks;
  • General electronic identification and complete assessment monitoring of individuals, which will logically lead to the liquidation of all commercial banks.

They aim to control every «leaf of the tree of life» through an algorithm of antisocial motivation—where people «live at the expense of others in an artificially created scarcity of material resources»—without any beneficial interaction with socially useful motivation, which represents the roots of the «tree of life» guided by the principle of «living thanks to others».

The Path to «Good Globalization»

In this context, it is necessary to create an alternative, more future-oriented traffic light evaluation of the creative activities of free people without debt and money for the participants of the ISQD-System. The goal is to liberate every «leaf of the tree of life» from control in an infinitely existing spiritual-intellectual sphere, according to the principle of socially beneficial motivation: «living thanks to others».

It is completely pointless to fight for influence in the financial system, which is inevitably coming to an end due to objective reasons following the collapse of the «Quantitative Growth» algorithm. It is necessary to turn away from the struggle for influence over central banks and focus instead on creating a better and more efficient system of self-regulation, as well as a «non-cost-based evaluation» of the results of human creative activities, freeing them from debt and money.

3.3.5 Interaction Between «Bad Globalization» and «Good Globalization» Through the ISQD-Program

As mentioned earlier (in section 3.3.2), during the transitional phase from money and debt in «Bad Globalization» to a new traffic-light system of «non-cost-based evaluation» of human creative activities, free from debt and money, the algorithm of «refueling» with «external» money (central bank currencies) and the mechanism for using «internal information carriers for support exchange» (ISQD and DRIMEX) can be introduced within the ISQD-System. This will enable the creation of a functional and successful «three-circle» circulation system of information carriers for support exchange, without violating existing national and international regulations and without affecting sanctioned areas of conflict between countries—such as import, export, and financing.

Within this system, the automatic issuance of «internal information carriers for support exchange» is fully controlled by ISQD system participants via the ISQD operator, the German company GmbH (SPFD). This minimizes the negative systemic influence of the owners of the global financial system on ISQD-System participants through «external» money. This effect is achieved by implementing a «three-tiered» model of information carrier exchange and applying the purchasing power potential indicator system of the «internal information carriers for support exchange ISQD, DRIMEX», which complies with national and international regulations.


3.3.6 Division of All Existing Banks Into «Real» and «Speculative» Banks

To write off debts and stabilize the money supply by transitioning the exponential growth of money and debt into a flatter curve within the «green zone» (see diagram), past experiences of financial system «restarts» before World War II should be considered. This involved dividing banks into «real» banks (with government backing) and «investment-speculative» banks (without government backing) under previously existing regulations, such as the Glass-Steagall Act.

As a result of this separation, «investment banks» will be the first to face bankruptcies in the future.

During the transition from the «Quantitative Growth» system to the new «Qualitative Development» system, the ISQD algorithm excludes speculative operations from the outset.


3.3.7 Transfer of all financial resources from the accounts of participants in the real economy (individuals and legal entities, ISQD participants) to «refueling» accounts—special accounts of the parent companies belonging to the 10 «branches of the holding structure» of the ISQD-System worldwide.

To «restart» the old system of «Quantitative Growth», various mechanisms for withdrawing customer funds from commercial bank accounts are already being applied, executed by the banks themselves. Some of these mechanisms include:

  • In 2008, according to publicly available sources at the time, a total of 16 trillion dollars were withdrawn from offshore areas worldwide (out of approximately 20 trillion dollars in total). These funds were transferred by the U.S. Federal Reserve («FED») to «its» banks without collateral and without interest, thereby creating a «second balanced liability item».
  • As a result, bank customers, despite the «crediting» of these funds to their accounts, cannot access their money due to the lack of formal legal grounds, sanctions, military conflicts between countries, and other factors. A 2012 audit of the FED confirmed this situation, but no official decisions were made on the matter. The following global events clearly illustrate how this issue is being addressed:
    • The ability of bank employees to freeze «suspicious» funds for up to 20 years without legal proceedings (before 09/11/2001, the freeze period was up to 2 years);
    • Since 01/01/2014, a procedure was introduced requiring approval from central banks for all transfers outside Western countries exceeding €12,500, and since 2018, for amounts exceeding €1 million;
    • Decisions on the confiscation of «young funds» from customers in «developing countries»;
    • Various collection procedures are being implemented to seize funds in case of events that threaten the «collapse of macroeconomic indicators», with no legal recourse for bank customers;
    • Transition to «digital money».

The problem of shifting the entire burden of the «Quantitative Growth» system onto the shoulders of its customers and seizing their funds makes it crucial to transfer all funds of natural and legal persons who are participants in the ISQD-System to special «fueling» accounts of the ISQD-Operator, the German company GmbH (SPFD), based on the relevant contracts.

This will enable the implementation of sanction-free programs such as «Operational Leasing», «Temporary entry of technological equipment», «Deferred Financial Flow», «Consolidation of Operational Liquidity» (KROL), and others. These measures will accelerate the full implementation of the ISQD-Systems and the inclusion of these funds in German statistics, ensuring their reliable protection and making them immune to external influences.

In this context, specialized information platforms will display the profiles of each registered ISQD participant on the portal, showing relevant key figures of personal accounts (representatives) or business accounts (joint contracting companies with DRIMEX) within the «internal information carriers for support exchange» of DRIMEX.

These information carriers will be «balanced» in euros using funds from the «refueling» process according to the ISQD algorithm. This does not follow the obligatory «goods-money-goods» principle but rather a system of support exchange. This system is neither bound by mutual obligations within the ISQD-Systems, such as rank-based «direct loans», nor by the presence of money or goods in the «exchange».

ISQD participants can «transfer» (not «transfer» as with money) these DRIMEX carriers, as well as other «internal information carriers for support exchange» of ISQD, to other participants or system-registered contracting companies in accordance with their designated use.

This means that the aforementioned «transfer» within ISQD and DRIMEX does not take place as an exchange of goods and services but through the process of mutual support exchange, which corresponds to the specific wishes of participants in material or service-related aspects of counter-support. More details can be found at:

Currently, understanding among current and future ISQD participants is growing, and the process of «rescuing» customer funds is gradually expanding.

Cooperation Mechanisms: «Support Exchange» and « Temporary entry of technological equipment»

In implementing the “Support Exchange” and «Temporary entry of technological equipment» mechanisms, both contracting parties are required to operate according to the «Asset Exchange» model within the ISQD-System. An ISQD system participant provides the ISQD operator with financial resources in the form of a rank-based «direct loan», without defining specific counter-obligations. This breaks away from the traditional goods-money-goods exchange logic.

Instead, the «lender» formulates their wishes, which they hope to fulfill in the future through the ISQD-System, either under the «Support Exchange» mechanism or the «Temporary entry of technological equipment» mechanism.

The ISQD Operator organizes the fulfillment of these wishes in accordance with the principle of balance – «giving and taking». These wishes do not necessarily have to be fulfilled for the same participant who provided the rank-based «direct loan», as the system views all participants as a collective whole.

The counter-support («counter-loan») provided by the ISQD operator is not in the form of money but rather through material products and services, distributed via system-owned distribution centers. For this purpose, «internal information carriers for support exchange» (ISQD and DRIMEX) are used, which do not represent money.

This creates an algorithm of mutual obligations between:

  • On one side: the ISQD system operator;
  • On the other side: all participants of the system as a collective whole.

This algorithm becomes a reliable mechanism for implementing «real» projects even under extreme conditions, such as sanctions, wars, and other challenges. It eliminates the need for bank guarantees, interest rates, and other cost-increasing factors for the delivery of equipment and services.

Under this algorithm, deliveries of ISQD-Operator equipment to countries should take place under the «Temporary entry of technological equipment» mechanism. These deliveries can be provided to one or multiple ISQD-Systems participants or their contractually affiliated joint companies without customs clearance and without recycling fees.

3.3.8 Ensuring the Guaranteed Development of the Expanding Network of 10 «Branches» of Holding Structures Worldwide through the Use of the «Asset Exchange» Cooperation Mechanism.

This scheme becomes particularly important in the context of establishing a single world government as part of the implementation of a «New Quantitativen World Order». The process of forming this structure is often carried out covertly, frequently involving deception and coercion to force the citizens of various nations to surrender their rights to govern their territories to controlled organizations such as the “European Commission”. This structure could later transform into a unified entity with state-like characteristics, such as the «United European Federation». One mechanism of this coercion is the debt burden through «sovereign guarantees».

Undoubtedly, the remnants of national states, which will never be able to repay their debts, will sooner or later fall under the control of these new global structures. Under such conditions, a proven cooperation model—which functions even amid sanctions and military conflicts—can be highly beneficial. This cooperation, based on the «Asset Exchange» scheme, includes the use of instruments such as «Operational Leasing», «Temporary entry of technological equipment», and other approaches proposed under this program (


3.3.9 Implementation of Seamless Bankruptcy for Existing, Old Banks and Other Organizations Requires a Strategic Approach.

Given the current global economic and political conditions, the governments of «sovereign states» should harness the so-called «energy» of global financial magnates to transform the existing «Bad Globalization» system into a «Good Globalization» system by following the ISQD-Program.

To ensure an effective transition to a new model, all «real monetary assets» of currently existing but logically bankrupt commercial banks and other organizations must be transferred to special accounts of the parent companies of the ISQD-System (the «refuelling accounts»). These transfers should be made to the accounts of one to ten parent companies of the structural «branches» of the holding structure in the respective countries worldwide. Through these, the global operator function of self-governance among ISQD participants will be executed, creating competition between states for financial flows.

Subsequently, all remaining debts must be written off through the mechanism of planned mass bankruptcy of individuals and legal entities, conducted by the global elite. Initially, all debt obligations and liabilities of former customers of bankrupt banks must be legally «written off» through the insolvency process. This will relieve the economy and citizens from unbearable debt burdens.

At the same time, within the ISQD program, it would be advisable to establish a network of «Coordination Groups»—joint contractual firms in partnership with DRIMEX. These groups could acquire assets from bankrupt commercial banks and other organizations, retain their workforce, and take over leased offices and other assets. This would significantly reduce social tensions in society and facilitate a smooth insolvency process while maintaining social stability.

Furthermore, as part of the ISQD program, various options for writing off the debts of ISQD participants and their countries have been proposed:, such as:

Thus, the ISQD-System provides instruments not only to resolve debt obligation issues but also to enable a smooth transition from the old global «Quantitative Growth» system to a new global «Qualitative Development» system.

3.3.10 The widespread introduction and development of deurbanization processes will be based on the creation of nature-integrated network structures for productive and residential settlements outside cities. These settlements will utilize new bio-positive industrial and agricultural technologies:

During the transition from the dying «Quantitative Growth» system to the new «Qualitative Development» system, human motivation will shift. Instead of maximizing profit and accumulation, there will be an interest in eliminating destructive and anti-life mechanisms, including:

  • Planned obsolescence, where products are deliberately designed with a limited lifespan.
  • Waste-intensive production, which causes irreversible environmental damage.
  • Destruction of excess products, undermining the concept of reasonable consumption.
  • Cost-cutting at the expense of quality and environmental safety, leading to shorter product lifespans and worsening working conditions.
  • Construction of large, high-density cities, depriving people of their connection to nature.
  • A pharmaceutical and medical industry that prioritizes long-term dependency on medication and healthcare providers instead of curing diseases. This often contributes to population control programs.
  • Production of genetically modified foods without adequate long-term health research.
  • Poisoning of air, water, forests, and bodies of water, threatening future generations’ health.
  • Lowering of educational standards, reducing people’s ability for critical thinking and intellectual growth.
  • Destruction of the family institution, which serves as the foundation of social stability.
  • Promotion of mental disorders and unnatural psychological phenomena.
  • Shifting values from spirituality to materialistic consumerism.
  • Suppression or destruction of advanced scientists and their discoveries that could benefit society.
  • And much more.

To save humanity from this nightmare, the path of development must change, which can be achieved through the «Qualitative Development» algorithm:

  • Reconnecting with nature by enabling people to live and work in eco-integrated settlements.
  • Decentralization and the development of small settlements, freeing people from overpopulated cities, which have become «concentration camps».
  • Creating new motivations based on peaceful coexistence and cooperation.
  • Introducing ecological technologies, innovative medicine, and advanced education.
  • Developing new, environmentally friendly transport and communication methods.

Only in this way can society be built on the principles of qualitative development rather than destructive consumption under the «Quantitative Growth» system.

3.3.11: Development of new types of highly technological employment aimed at establishing harmonious relationships with nature and creating a comfortable environment for living in new settlements. Rejection of the economic concept of «exploiting» nature as a resource. Wide implementation of ecologically neutral industrial and construction technologies, as well as new methods of matter extraction using replicators that operate based on «information matrices» from «superphysical» levels of reality.

3.3.12: «Liberation» of the level of «forcibly limited resources» and its orientation towards the infinite heights of human thought to meet people’s «requests» for resources. This requires the development of environmentally friendly and widely accessible energy sources and storage systems based on new physical principles.

3.3.13: Radical reforms in public finance should aim for the gradual abolition of the tax system and tax obligations for individuals and legal entities. This will be possible when the transition from a money-funded, value-oriented system of distributing limited resources to a new system of «traffic light-based», «non-cost-related valuation» of human activity occurs.

The new «Qualitatively Balanced» economic model involves the automatic fulfillment of «demands» for «coercively limited resources», which strive for infinity. This approach will form the foundation for the future free humanity and the emergence of a new socio-economic formation—«Ampozelism»—which is based on the principle of «living through others».

In the first phase, it should make sense to abolish all income and other taxes and replace them with a fee for the value loss of money («money demurrage»), which will eventually disappear, just as the entire monetary and financial system, including money and debt, will disappear.

Furthermore, the Russian government, as well as the governments of other states that are converted into territorial operators («Coordination Groups») of a unified global organizational system of the ISQD Operator «Good Globalization» (, will receive their shares of the systemic emission «internal information carriers for support exchange» for the coordination services of citizens.

The members of these governments (operators by country) will automatically be determined by the system as efficient managers because, on the one hand, they act motivated in the interest of the people and evaluate their creative activities based on the «non-cost-related» traffic light system for activity, and on the other hand, their actions are evaluated by the corresponding «Coordination Councils» composed of the best ISQD participants at the appropriate level of self-organization. For example, for the government (operator) of Russia, this will be «CC-Russia».

With the introduction of the «Unconditional Basic Income» (UBI) for all physically living people, participants in the ISQD, into the «internal information carriers for support exchange», the need for traditional social systems such as pension funds, social security funds, and other similar structures will disappear.

All projects in the field of social life, such as:

  • Culture,
  • Education,
  • Healthcare,
  • Sports,
  • Housing (WW),
  • Military,
  • The «Quarantine System» (judicial and isolation facilities, law enforcement, and others)

should immediately be transferred to the category of «Accompanying Projects» (30% of the total amount of the «collateral mass», 30% multiplied by 60% equals 18%) in the implementation of «real» productive projects (100%) according to the programs of the company GmbH – ISQD Operator, SPFD

As we transition from an antisocial system of economic motivation of people to a new, socially beneficial system within the framework of building «Good Globalization», the need for a united army of united humanity will gradually disappear. This will be in contrast to the plans of the supporters of «Bad Globalization», who want not only to maintain the army but also significantly expand it to protect themselves as a small, self-proclaimed elite from the people.

Instead of the existing «Quantitative Growth» system in the matrix, which continually expands and has developed into a judicial punitive system that is effectively repressive against the majority of people, a new «Quarantine» system will be created within the framework of the «Qualitative Development» algorithm. The resources necessary for its functioning will be diverted from the development process of humanity, but their scope will be motivated to tend to zero.

The «Quarantine» system is a set of measures aimed at temporarily excluding a member of the ISQD system from the community of followers of «Good Globalization» with its structures and benefits. The reason for such a temporary exclusion can be behavior that does not meet the expectations of the community members and their «Global Code» (GK).

A person in «Quarantine» will be given time to free themselves from the negative impacts of their stay in the «Quantitative Growth» system, which caused their antisocial behavior and harmed the peaceful and respectful cooperation of the followers of the «Qualitative Development» system and the members of the ISQD system.

The return of a person to the community of ISQD members, the followers of «Good Globalization», is only possible after an individual conversation with competent and authorized members of the «Qualitative Development» system, respected registrars of the system, and after positive recommendations, both from them and from members of the coordination council of the lowest level at the «place of belonging»: city, settlement, village, etc. Another necessary criterion is an open video address from this person to all ISQD members.

In his well-known thesis, Joseph Stalin justified the growth of repressions in the USSR with the goal of accelerated, forced industrialization and the fight against opponents, stating: «with our progress, the resistance of capitalist elements will grow, and class struggle will intensify»

This means that as the communist idea and socialism as the first developmental stage progress, resistance in society against such a movement must increase. Logically, this emphasizes the negative nature of the entire global system of «Quantitative Growth», which includes both the communist socio-economic formation and capitalism.

Analogously to this thesis, one could formulate: «With the progress of «Ampozelism», the scope of the application of the «Quarantine» mechanism will shrink», which underscores the positive nature of the global idea of «Qualitative Development» and its first socio-economic formation—«Ampozelism».

3.3.14: Problems in Housing and Communal Services (HCS)

Current problems in the HCS sector affect both companies in the industry and citizens. Due to the tense situation in this sector, it seems reasonable to forgive debts within the ISQD Program (see section 3.3.9). The implementation of this program, as well as the development and widespread application of ecologically sustainable construction technologies, could lead to the gradual decay of the structure and functionality of the HCS.

3.3.15: «Iskrizien», «Iskrizians», «Iscriptions» instead of “Investments”

The term «Investments» in the ISQD system loses its traditional meaning, as it usually refers to the placement of money into «real» and «speculative» projects aimed at maximizing profit. In the «Qualitative Development» system, this goal is absent, so the term is replaced by «Iskrizien», «Iskrizians».

«Iskrizien», «Iskrizians», «Iscriptions» represent investments of «exchange means for support» for implementing real projects and obtaining material consumer goods and services through ISQD and SPFD procedures. These investments can be made:

  • Based on «operational leasing», «Temporary entry of technological equipment»,” «deferred flows», «consolidation of operational liquidity» (COL), and other asset exchange mechanisms.
  • According to the support indicators of ISQD-System participants, using the traffic light system and «non-cost-related valuation» of creative activity results.

This system is designed to meet demands for resources, with the «demanded resources» not exceeding the limits of «coercively limited resources», as established within the framework of infinite development.

3.3.16: Transformation of Power Management Structures into Coordination Functions within the ISQD-Program

The widespread understanding of democracy as the «rule of the people» (Demos + Kratos) requires clarification. In classical Athens, women, slaves, and non-citizens were not part of the «people», which effectively made this form of government a rule by a limited group of people.

The exhausted system of «Quantitative Growth» with its hierarchical power structure and manipulated democracy will inevitably be replaced by the new system of «Qualitative Development». The foundation of this system will be the interaction of people through direct connections and mutual coordination of actions and intentions. The central concept will be the «Understanding of Peace», which ensures a harmonious and balanced combination of «collegiality» and «individual rule».

The concept of «Understanding of Peace»

«Understanding of Peace» refers to a unified global system of direct interactive connections between people with a «non-cost-related valuation» of each participant’s activity, as well as the coordination of their actions and intentions in continuous referendum mode. This system is part of the «International System of Qualitative Development» (ISQD) and the «System of Perfect Fair Development» (SPFD).

The Role and Transformation of State Institutions

Within the framework of the new system, a review of traditional power institutions is envisaged. Governments will be transformed from state power structures into territorial (country-based) operators of the ISQD and SPFD systems. For example, the chairman of the Russian government will act as the head of a «Coordination Group», which will operate as a jointly managed company with GmbH and act as the “Operator-Russia” (see section 2.3).

The Chairman of the Coordination Council (President of the country), for example, of Russia, will automatically be the best member of «CC-Russia», having achieved the highest «non-cost-related valuation» of their activities according to the ISQD or SPFD algorithms, without elections and without fixed terms (see section 2.3).

Key Principles of the Work of «CC-by-countries»:

  • Continuous function in the mode of uninterrupted referendum for the participants of the system.
  • Interactive and transparent evaluations, both for the entire council and for each of its members, based on the «non-cost-related valuation» of activity.
  • Unlimited terms, provided the rating remains at an acceptable level.

If the rating of a member or the entire «СС-Russia» falls below the level set by the ISQD system, their powers will automatically be revoked. Vacant positions will be filled according to the ISQD algorithms based on «non-cost-related valuations» of activity.

Rotation of Members of the Coordination Councils (СС), including the Supreme СС (SCC)

As mentioned in point, the operator of the ISQD-System uploads data obtained according to the unified algorithm for determining the activity indicators of participants to the system every one to two weeks. Based on these indicators, a «non-cost-related activity valuation» of each participant is automatically calculated, which is displayed in their profile.

Each member of the СС is also the chairman of the corresponding СС at a lower level. If they lose their role as chairman at this level, they automatically lose access to the СС at a higher level. The new chairman of the next lower СС will take their place.

This system creates a strong motivation for participants to aspire to leadership positions and rise through the coordination councils up to the SCC, eventually taking on the role of Chairman of the SCC within the entire ISQD system, «Qualitative Development», and «Good Globalization». This algorithm eliminates the need for elections and fixed terms.

3.4 Expected Results

The measures taken will solve important economic and social tasks.


3.4.1 Comprehensive improvement, modernization, and replacement of existing productions through the introduction of advanced and environmentally friendly technologies, as well as the development and application of new alternative methods for providing services and manufacturing goods. This will occur under conditions characterized by the following features:

  • The release of the level of «coercively limited resources» into infinity thanks to the economic motivation of people toward intellectual and scientific competition.
  • The ability of these resources to fulfill any request for «coercively limited resources» in society (see section 3.4.9).


3.4.2 The end of deflation and inflation caused by «compound interest», as well as the motivation of people to accumulate wealth, profit greed, and the unjust redistribution of income.

3.4.3 Ensuring an income level that exceeds the established «Unconditional Basic Income» (UBI), based on the traffic light system – «non-cost-related valuation» of a person’s activity, taking into account the following factors:

  • Intellectual and scientific-technical contributions,
  • Indicators of management and technical skills,
  • Creative returns,
  • Physical expenses and other significant indicators.

3.4.4 Ensuring social justice and creating a comfortable living environment for all people, including both the «minority» and the «majority».

3.4.5 Reducing the prices of goods and services, forming a society of abundance that is free from money and debt.

3.4.6 Creating an effective personnel policy and an education system in all areas of activity.

3.4.7 The real elimination of corruption as the main cause of the state’s decay and ineffective social management, significantly reducing all forms of crime, not through total control over people, but through the reorientation of their economic motivation, increasing freedom, justice, and intellectual values.

3.4.8 The actual construction of a new social, political, and economic system.

3.4.9 Formation of a high economic boom at the start of the ISQD, followed by a transition to a stable, qualitatively oriented, and nature-harmonized material economy that creates conditions for the unlimited intellectual development of humanity.

In the new «Qualitative Development» system, which is freed from the artificial constraints of the «Quantitative Growth» system, the level of «coercively limited resources» will always exceed the level of «demanded resources». The «demanded» resources will attempt to close the gap and achieve a balance with the available resources.

In the existing system of «quantitative growth», characterized by an incessant pursuit of profit, accumulation, and greed—driven by the antisocial motivation of individuals—long-term investments in projects actually slow down the growth of the level of «forcibly limited resources» in the economy. This level corresponds to current scientific and technological achievements.

This continues until all invested capital, along with profit and interest, is repaid to the creditors. As a result, the latest technologies that are ready for implementation are deliberately «slowed down» and withheld from society.

Moreover, a motivation arises for the artificial restraint of human development itself, as it is much easier to manipulate misled individuals in a parasitic system rather than educated and informed citizens.

In the long-term perspective, this leads to a decline in the scientific and technological potential of civilization. Production loses access to the latest scientific and technological breakthroughs.

As a result, a systematic and continuous delay of the qualitative development of people and their areas of activity is observed, which significantly hampers the growth of the level of «coercively limited resources».

In this process, the «demanded resources», which are primarily associated with senseless consumption and promote the conversion of the Earth’s natural resources into waste, often exceed this level. This leads to false perceptions of overpopulation and resource scarcity on the planet.

However, in an infinite world, nothing can ever be fully depleted.

A fundamentally different picture emerges in the «Qualitative Development» system.

With the transition to the intellectual competitiveness of people, instead of material competition, and the functioning of the «non-cost-related» traffic light assessment system of the results of their creative activity, all limitations on the development of personality are removed.

The absence of a race for profit, accumulation, and antisocial motivations eliminates the barriers to the infinite increase of the level of «coercively limited resources» in the economy. These resources foster the growth of «demanded needs» from motivated individuals.

A dynamic process of «upward racing» is initiated, where the level of «coercively limited resources» and the corresponding level of «demanded resources» that strive to align with it continuously grow. In the ISQD system, this process is examined through the «IOSBORZ» mechanism (more information available at the link

Under these conditions, competition in the intellectual and creative fields reaches impressive dimensions and speeds, far surpassing the maximum values of market competition characteristic of the «Quantitative Growth» system.

This means that the new system of «Qualitative Development» enables humanity to achieve explosive progress, explore infinite expanses of the universe, and delve into the depths of the human mind.

Moreover, within the framework of the new motivation, free from the pursuit of profit and material competition, the concept of «ownership of the means of production» completely loses its economic significance.

This is because ownership of the means of production is a tool for generating parasitic passive profits—a phenomenon characteristic of the dying «Quantitative Growth» system.

With the disappearance of the concept of «profit», all mechanisms for its generation and distribution vanish. It is precisely because of these mechanisms that wars have been fought throughout the history of modern civilization.

In the new «Qualitative Development» system, people will be peaceful and benevolent toward one another and interested in the support provided by society. Their achievements will be positively assessed through the traffic light system of «non-cost-related valuation» of their creative activity.

3.5 Action Plan

3.5.1 It is necessary to actively and widely spread information about the ISQD program as the «Program of Life» – the only alternative to the «Program of Death», which leaves humanity in the dying system of «Quantitative Growth».

3.5.2 All individuals who have chosen the «Program of Life» must unite on the ISQD platform through an automatic registration system (

This requires entering into legally binding contracts with the ISQD-SPFD-Operator and transitioning from the lowest third international legal system – the «permissible legal framework» – to the highest first legal system – the «inviolable law». In this way, the individual attains the status of a «Sovereign» by freeing themselves from the deception imposed by the «Quantitative Growth» system that only the state, as a derivative of humans, could be sovereign.

Furthermore, this transition mechanism to the status of a «Sovereign» aligns with the provisions of the still-valid international law «Proof that you are alive». This allows compensation for the non-utilization of one’s resources in the interest of the individual over their entire lifetime and later using one’s own resources to create a «Good Globalization».

3.5.3 It must be recognized that the «Quantitative Growth» system is inevitably reaching its natural end.

This will lead to a near-future global financial collapse, affecting all existing currencies that are «outside» of ISQD currencies. As a result, all savings of individuals and legal entities will be guaranteed to be either fully or partially devalued.

To minimize the impact of this crisis, it is urgent to accumulate free financial resources through various legally binding contracts in the account of the ISQD-SPFD-Operator, represented by the German company GmbH. These funds will be recorded in the German economic statistics and used for the development of the «real economy» in collaboration with other countries.

The process will be implemented according to the most bank-independent model of «asset exchange».

Germany has already prepared for a possible financial crash: a reserve payment system with «artificial funds» has been created, which will later be exchanged at favorable rates for new continental and global currencies (such as: Continental Dollar, Amero, Global, etc.).

These measures will allow for the preservation of a significant portion of the results of years of human labor and their businesses in the form of new global currencies.

3.5.4 With the above-mentioned accumulated financial resources in the account of GmbH, it will be possible, during the transition period, to establish a network of parent holding structures outside of Germany in other countries (remaining 9 out of 10 branches).

These structures will be able to effectively implement «real projects» in an atmosphere of healthy competition between countries for the financial flows of the ISQD. This approach will accelerate the economic development of regions and increase the resilience of the global economy during the transition from the old «Quantitative Growth» system to the new «Qualitative Development» system.

3.5.5 During possible prolonged attempts by proponents of the «Bad Globalization» to save the dying system of «Quantitative Growth», which will lead to crises and conflicts between countries and their blocs, the introduction of endless sanctions will negatively impact key forms of cooperation, such as: imports, exports, and financing.

Therefore, we propose to completely exclude these areas of cooperation and transition to a model of joint work based on the «asset exchange» schema.

Within this framework, license-free mechanisms such as:

  • «Operational leasing»,
  • «Temporary entry of technological equipment»,
  • «Deferred flows»,
  • «Consolidation of operational liquidity» (СOL)
    and others

will be used, which are not regulated by traditional import-export or license financing.

Furthermore, in times of crisis, additional developments from GmbH to reserve «collateral mass», including «collateral capacity» and other models, can be successfully applied to ensure the resilience of development.

3.5.6 It is necessary to redirect the spontaneously self-organizing, unconstructive protest potentials in the countries toward constructive systemic transformations within the ISQD program.

This will help prevent unconstructive chaos and possible civil wars, which are part of the scenarios envisioned by the initiators of «Bad Globalization» who aim to divide resource-rich countries like Russia into many warring regions.

The government in the countries of the world must recognize that there are two possible scenarios for future development related to the inevitable introduction of ISQD:

  • The «Bad» scenario – following large-scale civil unrest, new revolutions,
    • The «Good» scenario – without large-scale civil unrest, without revolutions.

Countries and their peoples do not need to choose the «path of economic consolidation under conditions of risks», restrictions, and «good» shocks, as proposed by the current governments of Russia, but should instead pursue the path of explosive progress according to the ISQD program.

3.5.7 It is necessary to actively spread the ISQD program among competent and free professionals in the countries.

This will help foster the formation of alternative, more effective personnel structures for the highest executive bodies of government. These new compositions of the best specialists, formed through the creation of joint contractual companies and «coordination groups», will be transformed into territorial operators («Operator per Country») of the global «System of Perfect Fair Development» (SPFD)

In the event of an inadequate response from authorities to the program’s proposals, uncontrollable «revolutionary chaos» will emerge in the countries, where «everyone will be against everyone». In this case, the «Operators» of the countries (according to the already unfavorable scenario, see 3.5.6) must immediately begin transitioning to a new global system of «Qualitative Development» to save the countries. This will help avoid the repetition of a destructive revolutionary scenario, as occurred in Russia in 1917, when the international slogan «We will destroy the entire world of injustice to its core, and then, we, our new world order – those who were nothing will become everything» led to the death of millions of people under the guise of communist ideas, formulated by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, and financed by the Rothschilds (

Constructive action must be taken according to the best pre-chosen ISQD-Program.



This program:

  • Does not correspond to the numerous «economic programs» of political parties, organizations, ministries, initiative groups, scientific groups, or individuals in responsible positions in political, commercial, scientific-educational, and other institutions.
  • Does not engage in useless discussions about the idea of «everything is bad» and is not focused on searching for and punishing the guilty.
  • Does not claim the status of a scientific work, but contains principled innovations.
  • Does not work with biased statistical data.
  • Is based on an impartial analysis of the current state of the global financial and economic system, as well as the situation in the countries.
  • Uses the practical experience of financial and economic activities in the USSR, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and abroad, as well as unbiased facts and realistic forecasts from a large number of researchers worldwide.
  • Provides an appropriate scenario for responding to the current situation and a concrete action plan.
  • Is based on the understanding that effective system leadership during catastrophic processes cannot be realized by «system-internal people» with «system-internal methods and concepts».
  • Guarantees social stability, prevents the decline of the people’s standard of living, and solves socio-economic problems without harming them.

A poetic response from Odoevsky to Pushkin’s letter is well known:

The fiery strings of the wise,
Pierced deeply into our hearts,
We reached for swords, full of iron—
But only found chains instead.

But fear not, O Bard, for now!
We wear the chains with pride and might,
Even behind the prison walls,
We’ll laugh at kings in their sight.

Our suffering will not pass,
From ISQD, the fire will flare,
The people will stand brightly lit,
United under a banner pure and fair.

From chains we forge the sword,
Igniting freedom—strong and wide!
It approaches and tears thrones away,
And nations breathe freely, worldwide!

From our ISQD will blaze the fire of union and the liberation of people from modern slave status in the global parasitic system of «Quantitative Growth» – the «System of Death» – and the transition to a new alternative global system of «Qualitative Development» – the «System of Life».

Hannover, 11.12.2016
Text updated: 07.02.2025

Managing Director of the Operator of the «International System of Qualitative Development» (ISQD), «System of Perfect Fair Development» (SPFD), Managing Director of the company GmbH, Alexander Schmidt, Germany.